Sunday, May 2, 2010

hot dogs

This weekend we didn't cook much. Last night we had tickets to the baseball game courtesy of my husband's work. We each had a ticket (we being me, my husband and our 2 sons. The baby stayed home) and a food coupon good for one hot dog, one bag of chips and one soft drink. no substitutions.

Now I don't eat hot dogs. As a matter of fact I don't eat any 'red meat'. Personal choice. So I bought myself a boca burger at the game and that was that. Everyone else enjoyed their hot dogs. The American way, right?

Today we went to an organized picnic. What was there to eat? Hot dogs. Oh, and pb&j for those crazy non-hot dog eaters. So I, who usually pride myself on trying to feed my kids real food, especially on the weekends when we tend to eat together as a family for lunch, watched my sons eat more hot dogs. But I'm flex. I try to go with the flow. So they had hot dogs last night and today for lunch. They'll survive and they had a great time.

Thing is - - - - WTF that the assumption is that everyone likes and wishes to consume hot dogs? Or are they the only option sometimes because they're cheap and are they cheap because they're gross and if you saw how they were made you probably would not want to eat them? Ew. I know most people like them. And even though they may not consume them on a regular basis, they will at the occasional ball game or bbq. It's just really amazing to me that I found myself in the situation twice within 36 hours.

So I had pb&j and cole slaw for lunch.
And next time I go to a baseball game I just may pack a sandwich.

But tofu hot dog stands at the stadiums or the streets on NY?? Now there's an idea.

Any takers?

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